Monday, August 18, 2014

The "Highlight" of Our Summer

 This morning one of our classes was yoga/stretching.

 Dominic does cobra pose.


Meanwhile, in the yurt...


We also had a poetry class.

This is one of our literary masterpieces.

And the third class was art (leaf painting.)


The finished products look like this!

After lunch, off to the beach!

Check out Bekah's latest tattoo! It's the Jabberwocky!
We are so happy that our beloved Bekah is back at camp for a while!

An amazing jellyfish!

 Buddies Nathan and Dominic chatting.

 After a swim, Kyle needs to warm up under a towel.

Claire and Daniel turned Arielle into a mermaid!

Dinner was ribs, cooked by John and Tony. Everyone wolfed them down! Thanks, guys!

Our evening activity was the Highlighter Party.

 It's hard to photograph, but it's a dance party where we all wear white shirts that glow under the black light. Then we all sign each others' shirts with highlighters and it looks amazing!

We make our own fun at camp. All we need is some tunes, a few markers, and each other.

And now it's time for our infrequent feature, Humans of Jabberwocky.
Our subject is Tori, who could only stay at camp for a short time this summer, but we were glad she could come at all, and got to stay longer than we originally anticipated. See you next summer, Tori! 

Q: "What was an inspiring or important moment in your life?"

A:  "For a week in December, I was in the hospital because I failed the swallow test. There was one day when me and Dr. E. were in the room alone and I started screaming, 'I'm done! I'm done!' As in, not that I'm done with life, but I was done fighting my own body. Dr. E. said, 'I know you. You're not allowed to be done.' Dr. E. is the most famous spine surgeon in the country and I had to wait seven months for the surgery. I decided to use my CP to impact people in a positive way. I realized the surgery was the only way I was going to live a life that would help me do that." 

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