Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Backwards Blog, What the Heck

The photos loaded the opposite of what I wanted, so we'll go from last evening's activities to the mornings. We're flexible, right?

This is my goodnight smile from Josh, but we'll call it good morning for now.

We spent the evening at Island Cove Mini Golf (thank you Mary) and had a blast climbing the obstacles and trying not to fall into the very blue water. There was a crowd there when we arrived, so we just jumped in, starting all over the course and confusing everyone as to what order there was for the holes and if anyone really keeps score.

And now we arrive at yesterday morning. A group went to Beetlebung Farm, where they picked some produce and were treated to a fine lunch. The rest of us made ice cream with Vickie and made room for it with some yoga/stretching with Kristen. Everyone was happy with this schedule.

And that was our day. 

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