Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fly me to the moon!

This morning ten campers had an adventure flying in biplanes. 
We've been doing this activity for a few years but this was the first time for all these campers and counselors. (We think!)

Climbing in.

Phillip and Jenni are ready to fly! 

(Don't worry. The pilot, not pictured, sits behind them.)


Phillip: "When I got in the plane, all my fears dropped away. I wish I could do it again."

Michael P. (and Fred, but you can't actually see him)

So happy afterwards.

Nick and Trevor, thumbs up.

And off they go!

The "after" photo.

This was Trevor's first ever time in a plane! 

From now on, all other flights are going to be disappointing. Commercial flights just don't do barrel rolls.

Robbie D. and Guillaume

Robbie: "I communicated on the walkie talkie!"

Stacey and Madysen

Stacey loved it. She didn't want to leave!

Justin and Natalie

The Justin after photo.

Robbie M. and Jessica

Robbie: "I've done this before. Once I was stranded in Iceland!"

Katie (checking): "Madi, do you want to go in the plane?"
Madi (enthusiastically) : "Yes!"

Madi and Katie

Big smiles afterwards.

 Chris M. was getting a little antsy. "When is it my turn?"

Chris M. and Margaret

 Delight after.

Peter sat in the plane and tried on the helmet, but decided he didn't want to fly after all.

That's okay, Peter!

Peter: "My problem is I'm too fearless."

There was only one more pair left.

Jack and Michael W.!

Michael W. is the latest addition to the Jabberwocky medical staff, and continuing in the proud W. family tradition of being camp doctors.

Flying is an important part of medical rotation, right?

Old pals.

BTW there was a shadow on the ground under the stone, meaning it was sunny.

If you're jealous, and would like to fly too, call Classic Aviators!

They were so great.

Just a few beach pictures.

Color coordinated bathing trunks, very nice.

J. Lo shows off his devilish new beard.

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