Monday, July 28, 2014

The first real beach day!

Although the rain was pelting down, we had an amazing morning of classes.

Celeste models how to hydrate during sports in the studio.

Smiles during a water break.


Justin's not sure about all this!

Taylor made an epic giraffe in pottery. Rose and Bill (not pictured) came to the pottery room to show us how to make animals and plants out of clay.

Rose (pictured) teaches Marianne and Katie Z. while Kip and Button rock and roll.

Meanwhile, on the porch, the artisans made water color stained glass.

J. Lo (aka Jeremy) is already rocking the '80s look, even though prom is not until Saturday.

Kirk ended up staying back from the beach so he could do more pottery! It was his dream come true.

Livy is creating a genuine work of art, but Jenni just has a styrofoam tray with paint on it.

Carina is looking for a handout from Joe.

Nathan is making an elephant out of clay, and Nora is impersonating an elephant. (Note: guest blogger is Nora!)
 After lunch, the skies cleared up, and we headed to the beach with ear-shattering singing all the way.

Nick supervises the situation.

James B. is looking for inner peace... or sharks?

The shores are safe with our fearless lifeguards scanning the waters. 

Cowboy Craig has stolen Judy's hat... and he looks very fetching.

Tristen and Meghan build a berm. Or are they burying the evidence?

Jeremy goes swimming!
Hanging out at the boat.
Michael F. with a smile. And a hat.
Girls chilling.

Paul thinks that chip is funny.

After dinner, we went to play baseball. And Richard skipped running the bases and just ran for home. Photos of that activity to come soon!

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