Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Due to Technical Difficulties.......

Couldn't get into the blog last night, so trying to catch up.
Yesterday, the campers arrived and everyone was so excited we could barely stand it.

We sorted everyone and their luggage into the right cabins, and proceeded to unpack 
and catch up on the news/gossip from the year.
We were fearful that we might get rained out from the cookout and drumming on the beach, 
but we had Jabberwocky luck and our dinners did not fly away in the wind, 
nor did we forget to bring anyone back.

Tony and Kirk were one of the first ones in.

I heard there were scary things in the water.
This proves it.

We welcome Marianne, here for the first time.

Sarah and Kip talk about how much they love camp.

Our burger flippers in action.

Hudson and Adam were part of the drumming group.
This is Hunter on the right, but not Adam on the left.
Lost that photo. And so it goes.........

Sunscreen, dancing, and 2 desserts.
A perfect day for Michael.

Craig's up for busting some moves.

The Tulgy boys check out the scene.

Our youngest counselor-in-training, Sam.
(Caitlin and Alex's son)

Some of us prefer snuggling to dancing.

So, tonight I'll load today's photos and you get to see all that we did today.
Jam-packed, as usual.

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