Sunday, August 1, 2010

Another Sunday Post, I don't believe it!

You get TWO blogs today, lucky readers. ENJOY.

After lunch, we headed off to Dairy Queen to stuff ourselves.

Waiting for the sugar to kick in.

Happy Birthday Carina! We're sharing a banana split in your honor.

"Patiently" waiting for our orders.

Andy's here! And Donna too! Visitors are "always" welcome at Camp Jabberwocky.

Blogger and husband. Aw...

Thank you Barneveld Friends for a delicious treat.

Paul and Brent make a fashion statement.

After a delicious lasagna dinner, - thank you guest chefs, Jimmy, Maggie, and Avery - we headed down to the band concert

Mac's here! Hip Hip Hurray! Now start fixing things.


Sam and Paul check the program for their favorite tunes.


Annie's relaxing! I needed to record that.

We easily amuse ourselves. And others.

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